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    **** The new leadership team was established in June 20xx, is
composed of three people, namely: a general manager, a party secretary,
deputy general manager of three. 20xx leadership of the company under
the correct leadership of the Council, conscientiously study and
implement the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, and thoroughly
implement the scientific concept of development, and always adhere to
forge ahead in unity, pragmatic and enterprising team spirit, based on
business reality, leading cadres and workers pay close attention to The
implementation of the work to ensure the sustained, stable and healthy
development of the workforce and stability.
    First, the ideological and political level
    The current leadership has always put the ideological building in the
first place, adhere to the party's principles and policies, always with the
Council to keep in line with the work of the overall situation, concerned
about the sustainable development of enterprises. Business activities,
first consider whether to protect the interests of enterprises and workers,
trying to protect the rights and interests of workers in the enterprise is
very difficult circumstances, and actively mobilize the enthusiasm of
workers, and strive to cultivate workers' sense of belonging to the
enterprise, not to engage in image projects, , Into one thing, in the
workers with high prestige.
    Work, the leadership team to adhere to democratic centralism, the
main leadership of the party and government support each other,
cooperate with the tacit understanding, listen to the views of team
members, do not engage in one-court, do not engage in privileges, not
for personal gain.Team members frankly, work with each other, not
limited to their own division of labor, can do each other
ill position.
    Leadership can learn as an important way to strengthen their own
    Not only actively participate in the political bureau party committee
held political theory training, and very serious attitude towards each
center group learning, in accordance with the requirements of learning
party organization, actively carry out study activities, listen to the views
and suggestions of staff, Operating work.
    The company leadership team members to enhance the overall
ability of the overall situation, to stand in the development of the
industry a high degree of scientific planning business development ideas.
    With the ** Group's cooperation after nearly a year of exploration
has taken shape, and began to put into trial production. The collection
and management of social mobility personnel is a long-term task of the
occupation of industry positions, head office set up specialized agencies
to work this year to continue to improve the management of enterprises
after the restructuring of renewable resources in full swing to lay the
foundation for network construction . Company leaders pay close
attention to the introduction of state-owned enterprise restructuring and
implementation of relevant policies, and municipal departments to
communicate timely and make full use of preferential policies for
enterprises and workers for funding. According to the implementation of
bankruptcy of grassroots enterprises to reduce the loss of 3 million yuan
of assets, do everything possible to defend the interests of enterprises
and workers. On the two grass-roots enterprise relocation and ****
district government several consultations, and ultimately reached a more
reasonable compensation program. In addition, as a result of the
preparatory work in full, in the appointed time, the company organized
the completion of the enterprise hospital two steel market 65
households in the relocation of steel business households, a total of
5,000 tons of steel, equipment Bai Yutai, *** District Office of the
transfer of the transfer.
In the second half of the year, the head office started to repay part
of the staff and workers by using the relocation compensation fund
    debt. **** The company nearly 20 years of hardship, nearly 2,000
workers basic business everyone should have to repay the arrears, in
order to maximize the limited distribution of funds tends to be
reasonable, head office repeatedly held a special meeting to study the
repayment program , Seriously review and standardize the operation, as
of the end of December total repayment of more than 1,600 million in
employee debt, while for retirees for many years unresolved medical
insurance, a fundamental solution to the worries of retired workers, the
company retired workers health insurance coverage reached 100%.
    Although the debt repayment of the workers are highly recognized,
but the staff asked for repayment of the mood is too urgent, so head
office pressure surge. This year, the preliminary statistics, the company
received more than 1,000 petitioners, of which more than 300 groups of
people petitioning more than 10 batches. In order to better explain the
work of the leadership team, everyone understands the policy, everyone
access the petition, there is no evidence of wrangling, ensuring the
stability of workers and business harmony.
    Third, the building of clean government
    The leadership of the head office strictly enforced the provisions of
the Central Discipline Inspection Commission on the seven leading
to allowed not are enterprises state-owned of cadres
and consciously accept the supervision of the masses. The leadership of
major issues collective decision-making, democratic and transparent
system, the selection process employing norms, information feedback
channel smooth, strict implementation of the provisions of honesty and
self-discipline, the correct treatment of power, conscientiously fulfill
their duties, so the systemBit outside the system, not offside.  
    Fourth, there is insufficient
    Theoretical study is not deep enough, the level of political theory to
be improved.
    During his long career, Christopherbland has served as chairman of
the corporate, public and broadcasting organizations, and has received
many reviews, but not all are praises. Some people say that he is
sarcastic, haughty, arrogant, arrogant, and so on, whether he felt fit any
of them?
    I can admit it and accept it, said the chairman of the British
Telecom Group (btgroup). At the moment he was sitting comfortably in
his office on the 10th floor of the sofa, his office in the vicinity of St.
Paul's Cathedral in London. I'm quick and joking, and I'm a little bit rude
when answering reporters and analysts, and if I think they're talking
nonsense, I'll say that. A few days ago, during the second quarter of this
telecom group, At the press conference, he called one of the journalists
    He recalled that during his tenure as chairman of the British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), he quarreled with reporters. Including
the acceptance of         he spectator (thespectator) reporter Petronella
    (Petronellawyatt) an interview, for which the magazine was also
forced to publish an apology, saying that Sir Christopher did not shout at
her, did not make aggressive action.
    But he also said that many of his best friends were journalists, and
that he had worked with some of the best journalists at BBC. I now have
a new point of view for journalists, he said with a smile, as he opened
the Guardian, noting that his son Archie had been selected in the
newspaper's Student Media Grand Prix For the annual columnist.
    Acid carved insatiable joking. So despotic it? No, I do not think it's
true. You can not rule the company, so the imperial-type adjectives do
not work, of course you can not rule bbc or British Telecom. These
institutions are too large and too complex, and in this area you have to
take power equalityOf the management.
    Sir Christopher had been in BT since XX, and since then he has led a
far-reaching restructuring of the former state-owned utility, including a
significant reduction in its debt. There are indications that broadband
company's the for up making are services new other and
business decline, so the group's revenue began to rise.
    The 66-year-old chairman looks tired but perhaps not surprising
because he and his chief executive, Benverwaayen, have been busy with
telecoms regulators – Office (ofcom) requirements. The Office of
Communications announced last week that it wants BT to undergo a
radical overhaul that will allow its competitors to enter its monopoly
network fairly.
    Sir Christopher said that by the time he retired in mid-20xx, he
hoped that BT would have a strong global services presence and an
effective broadband strategy. He also hopes the company's mobile
phone business will be strong revival.
    This year is of special significance to me, because this year is my
first year in this industry, but also I set foot on the first year of this
industry, this is a turning point in my career, I cherish, make the greatest
efforts to do myjobs. Through the years of continuous learning, as well as
superiors and colleagues to help, I have been fully integrated into the
family of the company, personal work skills have also been significantly
improved and play. Although there are still some deficiencies in the work,
but it should be said that this year also paid a lot, but also gain a lot, I
feel growing, and gradually mature and stable. The work of the year is
summarized as follows:
    First, in order to pragmatic work attitude, step by step to do a good
job in the company's investigation of the work of the plant investigation
is my duty is particularly important one. Because it is a new plant, the
company's inspection work before taking over the work is almost a blank,
must be prepared from scratch, including the hardware (workshop),
software (administrative part). In the previous stage to take over really is
a hard one, the majority of the guests as a result of the investigation,
from the beginning of the year to the end of the guests were to check
the plant, as many as 12 assessment, due to lack of information in all
aspects, in order to rush, almost every day to work overtime . In the area
of administration, a number of fire drill exercises were organized, such as
the Factory Discipline Regulations, Job Description, Staff Training,
Personnel File and Fire Maneuver Plan and so on. The establishment
is not only with the investigation work, but also improve the
administrative personnel work itself. In the workshop, we have
established the
eedle control management, operation instruction
book, qc quality record,
ework record, machine maintenance
record and so on, and the whole plant equipment inventory,
production equipment List so that you can view it at any time. At the
same time, also produced in accordance with the production needs of
dozens of form forms, improve a number of records.Such as the
the account, the of out warehouse the report, inspection
investigation records, in xx years, through various forms of training plus
explanations, so that all the supervisor of the plant has a profound
    Cognition, so that all staff understand the concept of the
investigation plant, and all the information about the inspection plant
compiled into a book, in accordance with the daily work to do.
    Of course, there are many places need to be done more perfect, as
long as we go in accordance with the provisions of the system, I believe
that next year's work will be more and more smooth and effective, and
we will continue to improve the work of this year's work, .
    Second, dedication, good company computer, time and attendance
management xx years, I am in the company's administrative personnel
management has also spent a lot of time and effort, the company has
just set up, personnel management did not lay the foundation, the
system information Not perfect, with the administrative chiefs and clerks
of the repeated replacement (a total of seven in charge of replacement,
clerks 15 as many), so most of the administrative work of the early
responsibility falls on my shoulders. Especially the personnel attendance
system, due to the original man-made problems, resulting in attendance
system has not really applied up in May this year, the system is actually
used to attendance, but the middle of the system itself is not perfect, the
staff of the computer do not trust Do not match, and many other issues,
In attendance. manual of abolition real the October, until
during this time, the administrative personnel of the management
system is also slowly established, which is to strengthen the
management of employees has important significance. By the end of this
year, through the replacement of the new time and attendance system
and repeated staff training and education under the guidance of the
whole plant has been fully implemented computer attendance, staff also
really adapt to the computer attendance. But the Department of
Administration is still very work to be perfect, such as corporate culture,
human resources planning, performance appraisal, etc., I hope the new
administrative department in charge of what the xx years of
administrative work to do better and more thorough!

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